About us

Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia includes the companies that operate in three generic and complementary domains: Renewable Energies, Construction of Infrastructures and Environmental Management. These companies develop diverse projects, such as the production of electric energy from renewable energy sources like wind parks, management and operation of landfills (MSW, OIW and inert waste) and management and operation of wastewater treatment systems, drinking water supply systems and recycling systems.
The investment in the improvement of the environment and of a more sustainable future also means recruiting highly specialized professionals who are experienced in working in complementary activities. This way, Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia is fit for providing consulting services in the environmental context, namely the creation of projects regarding waste, drinking water, wastewater, environmental impacts, packaging cleaning, among others.
Sharing the values of rigour, responsibility and loyalty, Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia projects the future, supported by its wide experience and the permanent investment in new products and unique technological solutions.


Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia is present in the water sector by means of its subsidiary BIOSMART and this latter's subsidiaries. The company designs, builds and operates water concessions for human consumption and wastewater.
In this area, several infrastructures are being designed and operated, such as water boreholes, water treatment plants (WTP), lift stations, reservoirs, pipelines, lift and supply pipelines, as well as domestic networks, collector networks and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).
This way, Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia has been contributing to returning to water its original purity, using safe and efficient treatment methods.


Waste management is one of the main priorities for Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia. Grupo NOV is present in this sector through BIOSMART and has been investing in its internationalization.
The activity focuses on the acceptance of waste, as well as on the management of Ordinary Industrial Waste (OIW), Hazardous Industrial Waste and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).


Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia values the preservation of resources and believes in the investment in fully sustainable energies. Through Eneólica, S.A., projects related to the production of energy from renewable sources are being promoted: bioenergy, wind energy, hydraulic energy, solar energy and ocean energy.